Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows times

11:08 am -> 10:37 pm

And now to wait until the end of August for people to boast "I read it in a month"


Big Sal said...

Afraid I have you beat here Janman:

11:45 am -> 7:05 pm

The artist currently/forthwith known as DJ TJ said...

Yeah, well I did stop for a few hours to play Wii. So...I declare a moral victory for me!

Unknown said...

I might get to start reading it in a month...

And just to let you know, I do read this, it's just you have a restriction so only account holders can comment and I only discovered the other day by accident that my Gmail account serves that purpose.

Unknown said...

Hmm, things surprise me. Not only did I come into temporary possession of a copy about two days after writing this, but it only took me to two days to read. Which, while not up to the exalted standards of you gents, for me it is quite remarkable. Especially as I then went on to read books 3,4 & 5 in about four and a half days. Alas, I seem to have developed a bad habit of skim reading and skipping bits, but authors take so long to say things these days...

Bennett - The Further Adventures of Bennett said...

somewhen -> somewhen.
I didn't get first dibs on it, but I did finish it within the weekend!
